flexible in foam
MEGAFLEX Schaumstoff GmbH is an independent polyurethane soft foam manufacturer with over 50 years of experience in productioning and processing foams

What is MEGAcell foam?
MEGAcell foam is the worldwide new polyurethane standard for the foam industry, which is produced exclusively by MEGAFLEX Schaumstoff GmbH. Unique mixing systems and optimal injection and dosing equipment contribute to the production of MEGA cell foam. Due to this, the polyurethane foam is one of the best density and compression hardness distributions available on the market worldwide. Here we achieve on an area of 3.8 x 5 cm (standard) outstanding 7055 cells!
Our success has many facets
Flexible, versatile, customer-oriented and fair. Four adjectives are not enough to describe the outstanding features of MEGAFLEX Schaumstoff GmbH, because the list of completed projects and satisfied customers is long. And yet they sum up our special qualities perfectly.
Absolute customer proximity has always characterised our corporate structure and enables us to react extremely quick to customer requests, short delivery times and customer-specific production styles at all times - flexible in foam, that's it.
Foam in all variations. Beside producing core the original product, we are also happy to refine foam according to your individual requirements. You have the choice.
Close to customers
Available at any time, can be used at any time. As a family-run company, one of our unique prospects is to be available for our customers at all times and to reliably deliver masterly quality every day.
Depending on the raw material prices published on the market, we recalculate our prices for each product and each customer on a monthly bases to assure a transparent, current and fair price structure for our products. Guaranteed !
Our experience makes the difference.
Since the foundation of our family business, MEGAFLEX Schaumstoff GmbH has made a name for itself throughout Europe as an independent specialist in manufacturing and processing high-quality premium polyurethane flexible foams.

ISO 14001:2015
ISO 50001:2018
ISO 14001:2015
ISO 50001:2018